Osteopathy is a natural form of manual therapy that aims to promote the body’s ability to self-heal and self regulate.

Osteopathic manual therapy views the body as one dynamic unit and through treatment works to restore structural integrity and proper mechanics to all structures and tissues. By removing any restrictions the goal is to allow the free flow of all blood, nerve and lymphatic communication throughout the body.

About Me

After multiple surgeries and trying different modalities for healing my leg, I was frustrated by the lack of results I was experiencing. None of the modalities were providing meaningful results. After four years of rehabilitation, I turned to Osteopathy based on the recommendation of a friend. The impact that Osteopathic treatment had on me was life changing. I experienced an incredible recovery and in turn a strong desire to learn this healing art and help others. I chose to leave a career in Business and Accounting, and enrolled at the Canadian Academy of Osteopathy in Hamilton. Upon completing the program, I moved to Vancouver to begin my professional practice.

In my practice, my goal is to find the root cause of whatever is standing in the way of your overall health. Through gentle, calming treatments I will work to restore the structural integrity of the body, improving motion and freeing the neurovascular structures that allow for the body to heal itself. My hope is to be able to help others on their journey back to a healthy, pain free life.

Please feel free to reach out with any questions. I look forward to meeting you and working together!

My name is Devon Stedman and I am a graduate of the Canadian Academy of Osteopathy where I received my Masters in Osteopathic Manual Sciences (M.OMSc). I am also a member of the professional association Osteopathy Canada (OSTCAN).

I grew up in Ottawa, Ontario and was actively involved in playing high-level basketball throughout high school and university. From an early age, I gained an interest in athletics and the movement of the human body through the training and conditioning required for competitive sport as well as the result of multiple injuries and lengthy rehabilitation periods over the years. At the height of my basketball career while at Dalhousie University, I sustained a devastating knee injury that put an end to my career and competitive sports.


  • First-time Patient Treatment

    This appointment includes a review of your health history followed by an Osteopathic assessment and treatment. After gaining an understanding of how your body is moving and how I can help, we will discuss your individual treatment plan.

    45 mins | $100 + tax

  • Follow-up/Returning Patient

    This regular follow-up includes a health history update, assessment and Osteopathic treatment.

    30 mins | $85 + tax

  • Sliding Scale Treatments

    A sliding scale pricing is available to those who are unemployed, on a fixed income or facing financial hardship.

    If you have questions or concerns regarding paying for Osteopathic Manual Therapy, please contact me directly for more information and to book an appointment.

    30 mins | Variable

  • Free Consultation

    If you would like to know more, please email osteopathy@devonstedman.com and I will gladly figure out a time that works for a phone call to have a quick chat about what osteopathy is, how it can help you, and further steps.

    15 mins | Free | Contact me


  • Osteopathy is a natural health philosophy that uses manual therapy to promote the body’s ability to heal itself by restoring motion and structural integrity. In this sense Osteopathy is about finding the health of the patient instead of focusing on disease.

    Osteopathy views imbalances in the body’s structures as a main contributor to the development of disease. Treatment aims to return the body to its normal functions by removing these imbalances which then allows the proper nutrition to, and drainage from, the body’s tissues.

    This form of therapy approaches the body as a whole functioning unit, not a collection of individual parts. Treatments address the musculoskeletal system but also considers the nervous system, fluid dynamics, organ tissues and every patient’s health and individual life experience.

    Osteopathy is based on the principles laid out by founder Andrew Taylor Still in the late 1800s.

  • Osteopathic Manual Therapy is a hands-on, gentle and rhythmic form of physical therapy. Treatments consist of a health history review or update, structural evaluation, and delivery of manual therapeutic treatment.

    The practitioner will be physically interacting with the patient and using corrective forces to make adjustments as needed. Patients will remain clothed and move through a series of positions on a treatment table, from sitting to laying on their side, stomach or back.

    Following the principle that the body acts as a whole, the practitioner may not have to work directly on the area of the subjective complaint to influence the healing and restore function to that area.

    Each treatment is based on how the patient is presenting that day, and typically last about 20-30 minutes depending on the needs of the patient that particular day. This means that no two treatments will be the same.

  • Generally, people will feel relaxed after treatment, however everyone will respond somewhat differently. Treatment aims to change the relationship of the structures in your body to improve neurovascular supply. As your body responds, it is normal to feel sore for 24-72 hours and you may notice some physiological changes.

    After treatments it is recommended to refrain from intense physical activity for a day or two to allow the body to adjust to the changes. Walking during this time is highly encouraged.

  • When coming in for treatment I ask that you wear loose fitting, comfortable clothing that is easy to move in. You will remain clothed the entire time. I will be moving your limbs through their ranges of motion and for that reason tight fitting clothing can interfere with treatment.

    For people with long hair, a high bun is preferred. Please remove any loose jewelry and/or accessories.

  • The goal of treatment is to find the health and increase the constitution and vitality of the patient. Therefore, virtually anyone can benefit from Osteopathic care. Generally, people first come in for a musculoskeletal issue like a sore shoulder or back pain. However, Osteopathic care can be beneficial for anything the body is struggling with such as digestive issues, headaches, circulatory issues or general stress. Osteopathic treatment aims to bring you back to good health regardless of the issue.

  • Definitely recommend. I've had ongoing jaw pain and clicking. After a few treatments, my jaw has clearly improved - less pain, more range, and smoother movement. Devon is skilled, intuitive, and caring. He gives you his full attention and clearly explains his process. He is great to talk with, but is also comfortable with silence (it's rare and appreciated to find both in a practitioner). If you've been to osteo before or if you're brand new to it, you should book an appointment with him. You won't regret it.

    Lucy G.

  • Dev is the best! I've been going to him for about 6 months now and I cant believe how much my pain has decreased. I have really bad spinal/ disc issues from old injuries and I've had very limited pain since working with him. He takes his time listening to your story and is never dismissive of your feelings. He then comes up with a game plan on how he can effectively treat you. His compassion and kindness makes you feel seen and heard, which can sometimes be hard to find when trying to address your health. Super excited to continue working with him! I highly recommend going to Dev!

    Amanda R.

  • Devon is a professional through and through; every time I arrive for an appointment he's got a book studying his craft. I've been seeing Devon for chronic pain issues I've been experiencing for decades and a recent motor vehicle accident. Thanks to Devon's treatments I've been able to exercise and play sports, sleep consistently, and have quality of life again. I've recommended Devon to my friends and family and would recommend him to anyone seeking help for health issues, injury recovery, or interested to see what osteopathy is.

    Kiefer M.

  • I would recommend Devon to anyone. Feeling so much better, more mobile & cannot believe the difference regular treatments from Devon has made. Pain that has been there for many years has nearly completely gone! Forever grateful.

    Tara T.

  • After years of playing sports there was a lot of tightness and restrictions in my body. Followed by a serious car accident, I have found doing osteo with Devon to be extremely helpful. I literally couldn't turn my head/neck to check my blind spots driving and after doing weekly treatments for a few months, the issue is completely gone. Devon also has a great mentality, with the right combination of professionalism and caring about each client. I highly recommend seeing him!

    Blake P.

  • I’ve already had six treatment sessions with Devon, and I feel like a completely different person, even when doing routine tasks. I have been struggling with neck pain since my school years, and when I initially started seeing Devon, my condition was at its worst. However, now I am happy to say that the pain in my neck has completely disappeared. I can sleep well again and have even resumed my gym workouts!

    Arina G.

  • Devon is a wonderful practitioner whose welcoming, friendly and educational approach really helped me. The clinic is very comfortable and clean. It put me at ease during the initial appointment. His appointments were always very relaxing and helpful. I always looked forward to seeing Devon and the relief I knew I would have after. Highly recommend to everyone!

    Ralph L.

  • I had a great experience with Devon. I have seen him for several treatments now and am already feeling the benefits. He is professional, informative and although I had no prior experience with Osteopathy he made me feel at ease. His location is also perfect for anyone in East Vancouver or Kitsilano! 5 stars would recommend :)

    Nick V.


1892 W Broadway #200, Vancouver, BC, V6J 1Y9


(416) 529-2693
